“Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.”

-Erich Fromm

"At some point as a student I was told to draw what I see, not what I know. This was one of the most valuable lessons I was ever given, but I still have to constantly remind myself of it. I find myself always trying to restrain control and to be in the driver's seat, because I never really believe I'll get to the other side unless I am the one driving the car. But when I allow myself to drive my work, I rarely end up anywhere worthwhile. When I see a finished piece and think that I don't know how I did that, or how I got there- when it tells me things I didn't know I was thinking or seeing or trying to say-in spite of the terror and frustration I felt trying to get there, I definitely then feel I've arrived somewhere worth going."

- Clea Carlson

"Imagination, Inspiration, and originality break old habits that condemn the human spirit. The restriction of today's society has tiny doors to spread human courage. Reality sets deeper in stone, but remember that you can change reality through the power of creativity. Art is a tool to let you out of your own certainties."

- Journeyway Price


Matt Young & Josie Adams


Seth King & Devin Oatway