β€œArt is not what you see, but what you make others see.”

-Edgar Degas

"I always work to convey the emotional and spiritual aspects of my subjects rather than just the representational elements. Since the 1970's, I've worked to develop a visual dialogue with vibrant color fields and expressive brushwork that transcends standard forms of imaging the natural world. My hope is that viewers experience my paintings of earth, water, and space as multi-dimensional visual portraits of the transcendent energies of a place. I would like my work to inspire and challenge viewers to see the world in new and transformative ways."

-Judy Ashbury 

"I think art is what you see and how you share it. I share my vision to have others see the world through my eyes - the beauty and the pain of life. We all see the world a bit differently and that is what is so unique and magical about art and life."

-Jax Manhoff 


Alexandra Eldridge & Ari Kalminson


Jason Poole & Joan Zalenski