“Don’t think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It’s self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can’t try to do things. You simply must do things.”

-Ray Bradbury

The intuitive is only realized after a history of critical process. Bradbury was only partially correct. He negates that history. As a distance runner, I understand that the state of euphoria that can be reached while running only happens after hours of training. However, it is crucial to trust that history of artistic practice. It is important to begin, to "do things" without self doubt, fear and questions. To know that all of my history will inform the marks, the decisions that I make with my work, is a crucial first step. I can begin to do and to allow the current to take me to transcendence. Expansion takes over and I arrive at a place where intuition draws from all my history of thought and process.

- Katie Rivers

Thought can lead to doubt and doubt is the number one Unholy Dog of Creativity. I saw graffiti on a wall that said, "If you get out of the way, art will happen." Creativity must be allowed to surface without impediment. It rises from a collection of knowledge gained through experience. This applies to all disciplines of art: writing, dance, painting, or just strumming an old guitar. Ya just gotta "Surrender Dorothy." I may be thinking too much but it seems to me that an artist is the epitome of a free person, simply because she/he has freed herself or himself from limitations: their own and those imposed upon them.

- BJ Quintana


Tony Buchen & Geniviv Wahl


Nicholas Herrera & Tara Trudell