“The best art is the maintenance of some kind of balance.”

Quote Source Unknown

“Balance is mediocre. Commit or don't bother. You can't please everyone with a little of this or that. Go fully for what you want to create and get cleanly to the point.”

- Lori Swartz | www.lorimetals.com

“Maintaining balance is a true art form; one that requires precious cultivation on a daily basis. Within my daily routine, whether I'm creating a one-of-a kind custom art piece or sweeping the floor, I find satisfaction in knowing it is not just the end product that is valued but the articulation of the time and space it took to get there as well. All aspects and elements of our craft and life require fine-tuning and discipline - perfection through repetition or wear.”

- Willard Wood


Connie Schaekel & Michael Sharber


David Wagner & Catherine Burke